US Courts of Appeals: The Appellate Work Horses of the Federal Judiciary
Sun, September 8, 10:00 to 11:30am, Marriott Philadelphia Downtown, 407Session Submission Type: Created Panel
Session Description
The research on this panel confronts big questions surrounding the courts of appeals and decision-making, from circuit splits, external influences, and opinion writing to developing new measures of judicial effectiveness and understanding precedent.
Sub Unit
Individual Presentations
Measuring Judicial Effectiveness on US Courts of Appeal - Christine Bird, Oklahoma State University
Intersectionality and Opinion Crafting on the US Courts of Appeals - Susan Haire, University of Georgia; Gbemende Johnson, University of Georgia; Karson Pennington, University of Georgia; Alyson Hendricks-Benton, University of Georgia
Examining the Freshman Effect's Impact on the Treatment of Precedent - Jennifer Jacobson, Kutztown University
Congress and the Courts of Appeals - Albert Rivero, University of Virginia
Legal Uncertainty and Circuit Splits in the US Courts of Appeals - Anthony Taboni, Princeton University