Session Submission Summary

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Experiments on Social Norms and Identity

Thu, September 5, 4:00 to 5:30pm, Marriott Philadelphia Downtown, 414

Session Submission Type: Created Panel

Session Description

These papers all use experimental techniques to tell us something about social norms and/or identity (either gender or race/ethnicity). Montano presents results from a survey experiment to correct misperceptions of social norms of child marriage in Tanzania. Bermek, Matakos, and Unan run a survey experiment in Turkey that provides information correcting (mis)perceptions around norms of IPV victim-blaming. Mousa and Yang examine how military service affects inter-race relations in the United States. Lo, Renshon, and Bassan-Nygate examine the effects of a peer praise intervention with white Americans that encourages empathy towards Blacks and Latinos. Manekin examines inter-ethnic tolerance in classrooms in Israel.

Sub Unit

Individual Presentations

