Session Submission Summary

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Climate Change Technology, Public Opinion, and Misinformation

Thu, September 5, 2:00 to 3:30pm, Marriott Philadelphia Downtown, 308

Session Submission Type: Full Paper Panel

Session Description

The fight against climate change hinges on both cutting-edge technology and widespread public support. Yet, public opinion remains divided, and misinformation campaigns undermine critical scientific consensus. This panel explores the complex interplay between technology, public opinion, and misinformation in the context of climate change.

Key questions we will address:

How can emerging technologies like carbon capture and storage, renewable energy sources, and climate modeling shape public understanding and acceptance of climate solutions?
What are the main drivers of public skepticism and denialism? How do misinformation campaigns exploit these vulnerabilities?
What strategies can effectively counter misinformation and foster trust in climate science and its findings?
How doe misinformation narratives spread within otherwise pro-environmental groups (eg: NIMBYism)?

Sub Unit



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