Session Submission Summary

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Graduate Students in International Political Economy Pre-Conference Short Course

Wed, September 4, 9:00am to 5:00pm, Marriott Philadelphia Downtown, 405

Session Submission Type: Short Course Full Day

Session Description

The Graduate Students in International Political Economy (GSIPE) Workshop is an interdisciplinary virtual workshop space organized by doctoral students from universities across North America and Europe. For the last two years, we have held an in-person pre-conference event at APSA, and for the third consecutive year, invite submissions for the GSIPE Pre-Conference Workshop at APSA 2024 in Philadelphia. We welcome research proposals from junior scholars from institutions worldwide, and aim to offer graduate students and postdoctoral researchers a unique opportunity to connect in person, present their work, and receive feedback from their peers from different institutions and fields. Our goal is to support research by junior scholars in the fields of International Political Economy, and foster professional networks and research exchanges worldwide, especially for students from underprivileged backgrounds or with limited resources from their home institutions.

The pre-conference workshop will consist of 12 presentations, with four thematically organized blocs around key political economy topics, each with three 15-minute presentations followed by discussant comments and audience Q&A. The conference itself will broadly focus on International Political Economy research, with sub-themes including trade and global value chains, the distributional politics foreign investment, and the rise of economic statecraft and industrial policy. We especially welcome submissions regarding the policy implications of democratic retrenchment and governance innovations in support of the APSA 2024 conference theme “Democracy: Retrenchment, Renovation, & Reimagination.”

Those who are interested in presenting research should submit a proposal no later than May 30, 2023, to GSIPE at Proposals should include an abstract (300 words), and 3-5 keywords to help select discussants and create thematically-cohesive panels. We particularly welcome submissions from scholars who are underrepresented in IPE.

All participants (junior scholars and discussants) will need to register for the main APSA meeting. Please contact GSIPE organizers Ishana Ratan (, Hao Zhang (, or Ilaria Natali ( with any questions.

Sub Unit

