Session Submission Summary

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Regime Type, Regime Evolution, Public Policy, and Human Development

Sat, September 7, 8:00 to 9:30am, Marriott Philadelphia Downtown, Franklin 13

Session Submission Type: Full Paper Panel

Session Description

A central concern of political scientists is to explain "who gets what, when, and how." Crucial to such explanation is evidence about how political regime form and political regime evolution are associated with human development outcomes such as reducing the risk of early death, as well as with public policy outputs such as taxing and spending decisions, health service coverage, and environmental protection. Proposed by scholars from diverse backgrounds, ranks, and types of academic institutions, the papers on this panel will explore these associations. By throwing light on "the benefits offered by healthy societies: equality, rights, security, health, education, scope for life choices," and by contributing to the evidential basis for identifying "windows of opportunity for redesigns that make existing institutions better, more resilient, and more democratic," the papers are designed to address many of the important topics and issues highlighted in the theme statement for the 2024 APSA Annual Meeting.

Sub Unit

Individual Presentations

