Session Submission Summary

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Political and Societal Change in South Asia

Thu, September 5, 10:00 to 11:30am, Marriott Philadelphia Downtown, Franklin 5

Session Submission Type: Roundtable

Session Description

In this roundtable session, we will share and provide feedback on four book manuscripts in progress. Each of the manuscripts addresses different aspects of societal change in South Asia.

Allie's project studies the causes and consequences of the political inclusion of marginalized groups with a focus on India.

Goyal's project studies descriptive representation and party activism and their effects on political participation, governance, and party building in India and elsewhere in the Global South.

Haider's project examines how privatization of service delivery alters the relationship between citizens and the state; in weak democratic contexts such as Pakistan, privatization can debilitate crucial participatory institutions such as voting, claim-making and trust.

Kumar's project studies how homeownership shapes citizen political behavior in India.

Project titles:

Feyaad Allie
Title: Power Undone: How representation shapes identity politics in India

Tanushree Goyal
Title: Active Women: ​The Promise and Limits of Descriptive representation in the Global South

Erum Haider
Title: Disempowered: Electricity, Citizenship, and the Politics of Privatization in South Asia

Tanu Kumar
Title: Building social mobility: How subsidized homeownership creates wealth, dignity, and voice in India

Sub Unit

