Session Submission Summary

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Ethical Research in the MENA Region and Beyond (QMMR G)

Wed, September 4, 1:30 to 5:30pm, Marriott Philadelphia Downtown, Franklin 12

Session Submission Type: Short Course Half Day

Session Description

How can we ethically navigate the challenges of conducting research in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)? Scholars have examined the challenges faced by researchers in various autocratic contexts, shedding light on the ethical considerations, methodological complexities, and power dynamics inherent in such environments. They have emphasized the importance of navigating restrictions on academic freedom, managing potential risks to researchers’ and participants’ safety, and adapting research methods to account for state control and censorship. In the context of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), studies on conducting research in the region show how the prevalence of authoritarianism influences the researchers’ choice of research topics, countries for study, and data collection.

This module will delve into the complexities of conducting research in the MENA region and provide important guidelines for ethical research practices in this politically sensitive context. Panelists will address the subjective dimensions influencing research outcomes including the positionality of the researcher and how to maintain a reflexive research process. They will share best practices to ethically engage with hard-to-reach and vulnerable populations and discuss the impact of fieldwork on the researchers and participants’ mental health. The discussions will extend to the application of interview data in analysis, incorporating culturally sensitive coding techniques and ethical considerations. Throughout the module, the focus will remain on fundamental ethical obligations, including principles of informed consent, privacy, and safety considerations. By the end of the module, participants will develop a deeper understanding of ethical research in the MENA region and gain important insights and practical strategies for impactful and ethical research practices.

The session will have three presentations, each spanning 20 minutes, covering vital themes in ethical research within the MENA region. The presentations are followed by a 30-minute Q&A session. Scholars researching politically sensitive contexts will benefit from participating in this module. The module will provide them with an interactive platform to delve deeper into field research topics, share experiences, and seek clarification on the nuanced dimensions of ethical research in politically sensitive contexts.

Sub Unit

