Session Submission Summary

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Critical Approaches to Transitional Justice and Reconciliation

Thu, September 5, 4:00 to 5:30pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center (PCC), 111A

Session Submission Type: Full Paper Panel

Session Description

Transitional justice literature has grown from discussing regime changes, amnesty, and truth commissions, to considering customary justice mechanisms, regional/hybrid tribunals, and alternative forms of healing. With a renewed focus on the environment, LGBT+ approaches, and special attention given to subgroups who are essential to transitional processes—such as opposition movements and diaspora groups—this panel re-engages critical approaches to transitional justice.

Drawing from diverse political science subfields and transnational contexts–post-Franco Spain, the Cambodian American diaspora, post-war Sri Lanka, and Latin America–the panel sheds lights on the complexities surrounding the conceptualization and application of justice in post-conflict and democratizing societies. Meanwhile, it breaks from realist and idealist frameworks of transitional justice by inviting a critical discussion of international law, healing, amnesties, and post-conflict reconciliation.

This research contributes to a more holistic view of who is involved in transitional justice processes and how we conceive of justice in the modern era. The ongoing need for justice and reconciliation in post-conflict scenarios such as those in Southeast Asia and Latin America illustrate the practical implications of understanding the challenges and opportunities inherent in transitioning societies.

Sub Unit

Individual Presentations

