Session Submission Summary

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Research Frontiers on Gender Equality in Contentious Politics

Fri, September 6, 4:00 to 5:30pm, Marriott Philadelphia Downtown, Franklin 5

Session Submission Type: Featured Paper Panel: 30-minute Paper Presentations

Session Description

Research on different dimensions of gender equality have grown in recent years, as we have come to investigate the impacts of gender identity on various aspects of politics – political rights, inclusion, and representation. Using text analysis, López Villegas’ paper investigates women’s rights in contexts of democratic backsliding by highlighting the role of anti-democratic leaders in Latin America. Millerd, using a mixed methods approach, examines the role of women’s networks in facilitating the demands of women in post-conflict peace agreements. Vincent qualitatively investigates how political competition impacts gender equality reforms in post-conflict states. These three papers provide new and important explanations for how dimensions of gender equality impact political outcomes in contentious contexts.

Sub Unit

Individual Presentations

