Session Submission Summary

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Learning from Global Democratic Challenges and Innovations Mini-Conference III: Roundtable on Democratic Retrenchment in Asia

Sat, September 7, 2:00 to 3:30pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center (PCC), Ballroom A

Session Submission Type: Roundtable

Part of Mini-Conference

Session Description

This roundtable responds to the theme of this year's annual conference by examining the varieties of democratic retrenchment in Asia. Presenters will discuss outcomes of recent elections, held between 2022 and 2024, across Asia's most populous democracies to debate the tension between popular representation and institutional accountability.

The roundtable will take a long-term view of democracy in the region to explore the distinct ways in which populist leaders in Asia have used their public mandate to confront or co-opt opposition parties, denying voters legislative alternatives and in some cases eliminating electoral choice altogether. Presenters will also discuss ways in which these leaders and their affiliates have brought key democratic institutions, including courts, media, anti-corruption agencies and electoral bodies into compliance with their larger political and ideological projects. They will further cover some common legal and extra-legal measures that have been used to consolidate popular support and minimise resistance from civil society groups.

By bringing scholars of South Asia and South East Asia in conversation, this roundtable will also discuss the role of voters in supporting and opposing the process of democratic retrenchment across Asia. How does the promise of economic prosperity bolster support for exclusionary ideologies in India and Indonesia? Why are the voters in Philippines and Indonesia underwriting a triumphant return of authoritarian-era pariahs through genuinely competitive elections? Is the fear of conservative Islam fuelling popular support for civil society curbs in Indonesia and Bangladesh?

Presenters will further compare the common strategies that pro-democracy forces are using to fight democratic retrenchment and the avenues of redress that are still open to them. These include sub-national governance, alternative media outlets and youth groups.

Finally, the session will conclude by discussing the prospects for democratic renovation and reimagination in the region and how Asia's experience can inform the broader field of knowledge about democratic politics.

The roundtable will run for 90 min. The chair will deliver opening remarks to identify big questions in the field and points of comparison (10 min). Each of the four presenters will speak on their country of expertise (40 min), followed by a roundtable debate and questions from the audience (40 min).

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