Session Submission Summary

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Elites Loyalty and the Survival of Authoritarian Regimes

Sat, September 7, 4:00 to 5:30pm, Marriott Philadelphia Downtown, Franklin 11

Session Submission Type: Full Paper Panel

Session Description

This panel explores autocratic consolidation and survival by examining strategies and challenges related to elite loyalty, acquiescence, resistance, coalition formation, as well as power shifts among leaders and elites. The papers investigate why, when, and how elites acquiesce or resist the dictator’s power consolidation, the strategies they utilize, the challenges they encounter, and how autocrats adapt to shifting elite loyalty. The panel features papers employing diverse methodologies, shedding light on the hidden transcripts of dissent within regime elites, the complexities of ethnic identity in maintaining loyalty, and the intricate dynamics of monopolizing power and building coalitions.

Sub Unit

Individual Presentations

