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Understanding the Politics of China’s Coal Transition

Thu, September 5, 10:00 to 11:30am, Marriott Philadelphia Downtown, Salon L


As the world’s largest coal producer and consumer, China’s coal transition is crucial to the global low-carbon energy transition and to achieving global climate goals. Over the past decade, the Chinese government has introduced over 60 policies regulating coal use, yet coal consumption has continued to grow. This paper analyzes China’s coal transition strategy based on coal policies promulgated by the Chinese central government between 2013 and 2021. We find that policy instruments supporting coal maintenance are much stronger than those promoting coal reduction. Coal maintenance policies are backed by a comprehensive set of economic, regulatory, and information policy instruments, while coal reduction policies rely primarily on administrative bans in selective regional areas. The National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration have prioritized implementing policies that promote energy security over climate mitigation. To achieve its 2060 carbon neutrality pledge, the Chinese government must further coordinate environmental and economic goals while strengthening its entire suite of policy instruments that support coal reduction.
