Individual Submission Summary

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The Impact of Charismatic Religious Beliefs/Practices on US-Latinx Politics

Sat, September 7, 2:00 to 3:30pm, Marriott Philadelphia Downtown, 501


Existing scholarship demonstrates that religious affiliation and the relative strength of religious identity impact political preferences. As the proportion of Latinx who identify as Evangelical has continued to rise in recent decades, a number of studies suggest that such individual are more likely to support the Republican party and conservative policy positions on various issues. However, less is known about the growing percentage of Latinx (Evangelical or otherwise) who worship in congregational spaces characterized by Charismatic beliefs and practices (e.g. speaking in tongues, divine healing, prophecy). In recent years, Donald Trump and other Republican party candidates have increasingly affiliated themselves with Charismatic religious leaders and congregations in the US. As a result, Charismatic beliefs/practices tend to be associated with Christian Nationalism, conservative preferences on culture war issues, and support for Republican candidates. However, the impact of this religious orientation on Latinx politics is less clear given Latin America’s unique history with the Charismatic tradition and the cross-pressures that some may feel on account of their Latinx ethnic identity.

This study aims to assess the relative prevalence of Charismatics within the Latinx community in the US, along with the impact of these beliefs/practices on Latinx identity and political preferences. Preliminary analysis of a 2023 online panel survey (Cint, N=900) indicates that over 1/3rd of Latinx are Charismatic and that such beliefs/practices are positively associated with more favorable attitudes towards Donald Trump after controlling for a host of relevant political and religious covariates. This study will expand this analysis to explore the relationship between Latinx Charismatics and Christian Nationalism, Abortion, and LGBTQ policy preferences. This study will further compare the prevalence and political impact of Charismatic beliefs/practices between the Latinx and Non-Latinx population in the US through analysis of a forthcoming online panel survey (Cint, N~1000).
