Individual Submission Summary

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Policy Learning from City Decarbonization Experimentation in China

Thu, September 5, 4:00 to 5:30pm, Marriott Philadelphia Downtown, Salon I


Policy experiments act as catalysts for transformative change. The experimental approaches differ: localities function as autonomous laboratories in decentralized democracies, while in more centralized, directive-driven systems exemplified by China, localities—when successfully selected by the central government—operate as “test tubes” for specific policy initiatives. This paper addresses the challenge of “contamination” in comparative analysis, where localities engage in multiple experiments simultaneously, advocating for a methodological approach that compares localities with similar initial conditions and experiment sets, as suggested by King, Keohane, and Verba (2021). Focusing on the decarbonization experiments in two Chinese cities, the paper analyzes how these cities, despite sharing similar initial conditions and decarbonization goals, exhibit varying levels of success in their decarbonization initiatives. This study reveals that differences in sustained leadership attention and efforts significantly influence the outcomes of such policy experiments. This insight highlights the importance of considering political factors, alongside capacity, in understanding and evaluating the effectiveness of policy initiatives.
