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Political Factors Shaping Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Chile

Thu, September 5, 4:00 to 5:30pm, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Commonwealth A2


The goal of this research is to assess the political dynamics influencing comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) policy at the national level in Chile. According to WHO, evidence consistently suggests that high-quality sexuality education brings long-lasting and positive health outcomes, such as the reduction of sexually transmitted infections, HIV, and unintended pregnancy. Since Chile’s transition to democracy in the 1990s, policies pertaining to sexual and reproductive health have advanced to an extent, from their very limited scope during the military dictatorship. However, CSE remains a contentious policy issue, provoking intensive political debate and only moderate policy reform in recent years. While technical interventions and data is integral to demonstrating health need and advancing policy, it is also critical to consider governance, policy, economy and socio-cultural dynamics, such as government commitment for addressing the issue and their efficacy in carrying out policy. The history of education policy in general – during democracy and dictatorship – is also important to consider when developing understanding of the policymaking process in Chile. Chile has established various guidelines regarding CSE in recent years, but has failed to introduce an explicit policy regarding the issue. This study will analyse factors shaping prioritisation and policy attention to CSE in Chile, from agenda-setting to implementation.
