Individual Submission Summary

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The Power of Digital Platforms and Influencers in Information Operations

Thu, September 5, 2:00 to 3:30pm, Marriott Philadelphia Downtown, 310


Various actors online use information operations locally and globally to divide people in us versus them realities, manipulate them, and change their opinions and behaviors. This research asks: 1) To what degree do young Finnish people between 16-29 years old use digital platforms as sources of information and news? and 2) To what degree are Finnish young people between 16-29 years old aware of information campaigns on digital platforms?
The results of the theoretical and empirical multidisciplinary research show that young Finnish people value the idea of the Nordic democratic state while using various digital platforms to shape their understanding of facts and fiction. Everyone out of all the n=362 young, anonymous, and volunteer research participants from n=8 vocational schools, from liberals to conservative Christians, used various digital platforms as a source for credible information and news as well as to participate politically. The most reliable and used platforms were Instagram, Discord, Reddit, TikTok, 4Chan, 8Chan, YouTube, and various Internet pages and gaming. Moreover, several Finnish and international influencers were sources of credible information and news. Influencers were regarded as being a new generation of politicians who are on the side of the youth, while officials and traditional media such as newspapers and TV news were not.
The possible deception by influencers, or them being used as useful idiots, was not detected. Young research participants relied on a certain archetype of themselves as “us” aligned with trusted influencers, while adults, officials, and media presented the archetype of "them," the ones fundamentally against the youth. Fake news or information operations did not concern young people, and they did not perceive themselves as targets of information operations or fake news. They said they could distinguish truth from fiction. The truths always aligned with personal values and beliefs, but confirmation biases were always denied. However, the power of AI, machine learning, algorithms, advertising, and bots was discussed to some degree by only a handful of young participants. AI and algorithms were seen as a means of personal and political control and coercion by those in power, so-called the global elite or the world economic forum, which kept people under control and consumed even harmful and fake news from various digital platforms. These few young participants said that they have no other choice but to consume forced, false, and outdated information because artificial intelligence and algorithms keep "people under control by force,” as said by one young participant.
Some participants argued that digital platforms, various AI-based apps, and filters were the causes of bullying, harassment, violence, and mental and physical health crises among young people. The deception goes beyond consuming false information. It forces you to become something you are not by using AI technology and filters to alter your looks and behavior to better fit the current (western) standards of beauty and behavior.
There is indeed a need for discussions of normative values and beliefs in the era of fake news, information operations, the power of influencers, Trumpism, and institutionalized disregard for human rights. At least in the Global North, policymakers seem to pay lip service to the global threat of information operations on digital platforms. Simultaneously, companies facilitate grave abuses of human rights, create platforms for information operations, and make a handsome profit. Meanwhile, young participants laughed at entertaining content and filters on digital platforms, which they identified as trustworthy content. Simultaneously, they said they could never fall prey to fake news, imagery, or information operations while trusting influencers on digital platforms without verifying their motives or backgrounds. Based on the empirical data, influencers on various digital platforms have a strong influence on young people. These actors may work independently or for someone else. They may receive funding and directives from unknown actors or states. Young people look for truths, information, and role models on digital platforms and participate locally and globally online. They trust entertaining information tailored to match their values and beliefs. Here are the vast possibilities for actors wanting to conduct small- or large-scale information operations: With the help of user-centric design and research coupled with algorithms, AI, and bots, at best, various actors can create entertaining content that corresponds with the biases, values, and beliefs of young people from various backgrounds. This has enormous potential for influencing societies via information operations that are not regarded as such or appear as traditional warfare. At worst, these threaten democratic values for decades.
